Frequently Asked Questions About Orthodontics And Braces

When you’re getting ready to start orthodontic treatment, you may have a lot of questions. Is it going to hurt? How long do you think it’ll take? What is the most effective treatment?  Our staff is committed to helping you feel at ease during your treatment and will answer any questions you have regarding your planned or current orthodontic treatment.

Understanding the answers to some of the most common concerns concerning orthodontic treatment can help you prepare for your journey to a healthier, more confident smile. Here are some frequently asked questions:

An orthodontist is a dental specialist who has received two to three years of additional training and experience. Dr. Cox is able to straighten teeth, correct misaligned jaw structure, and improve the function of your smile.

Braces are dental appliances that help correct problems with your teeth such as crowding, crooked teeth, and teeth that are out of alignment. Many people get braces when they’re teenagers, but adults get them too. As you wear them, braces slowly straighten and align your teeth so you have a normal bite. Some people get braces to adjust their smile.

That answer depends on your teeth and how difficult it is to correct your bite. Depending on the case, it can be anywhere from 6 months to a few years. To help your treatment go as quickly as possible, it’s best to follow your orthodontist’s instructions for oral hygiene and keep your scheduled adjustment appointments.

Treatment times have decreased and appliances have been made smaller thanks to advances in orthodontic technology. As a result, patients comfort has increased. Even though orthodontic treatment has advanced significantly, patients may expect some discomfort and soreness for a few days after receiving their braces and during adjustment appointments. Mild pain relievers and wax applied to sharp edges should assist to alleviate any discomfort.

Before beginning orthodontic treatment, see your dentist to ensure that your gums are healthy and that you do not have any cavities.
You should see your dentist at least once every six months while undergoing orthodontic treatment. If you have trouble brushing your teeth or have a history of tooth decay, see your dentist every three months while wearing braces.

Your orthodontic treatment will take longer if you break your braces frequently or do not wear your rubber bands as directed.
Furthermore, missing visits or constantly rescheduling appointments, especially at the last minute, can cause treatment to be prolonged.

Yes! Otherwise, your teeth may shift back to their original position.

In general, hard, crunchy, sweet, and sticky foods should be avoided. Crunchy foods like popcorn and apples can destroy your orthodontic appliances, slowing down your therapy. Sticky foods can also pose problems since they become stuck in braces. Avoiding sugary foods will also help you avoid tooth decay, ensuring that your teeth remain healthy and strong once your braces are removed.

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